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This healthy aloo tikki recipe is low in calories, but very high on taste

Good things come at a price and tasty things come with calories. But this healthy aloo tikki recipe offers great taste, fibre, and protein to keep you fuller for longer.
healthy aloo tikki
Tasty bhi, healthy bhi! This aloo tikki recipe has got it all. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Sonakshi Kohli Published: 15 Dec 2019, 20:35 pm IST
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If you’re on a strict diet and are closely watching your calories, chances are that street food, especially like the fried aloo tikki, is totally off-limits. But that really doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s super-tough to turn a blind eye to those street vendors and the people enjoying the delicious food.

But what if I told you that you no longer have to resist it because I’ve got a low-cal, nutrition-packed version of the same tikki chaat that you can enjoy at home without the guilt?

All you need is immense love for chaat-type street food, some calorie-consciousness, and these ingredients:

For the mint chutney:
¼ cup of curd
A bundle of mint leaves
A bundle of coriander leaves
1 small onion
1 raw mango
5-6 garlic cloves

For the imli chutney
20 gms tamarind
2-3 stone-sized pieces of jaggery
1 tsp sesame seeds

For the tikki
2 boiled potatoes
1 piece multi-grain bread
½ tsp ginger paste
Handful of boiled chana daal
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder to taste
Dhaniya powder to taste

For the dressing
½ cup of curd
Handful of boiled white chana sprouts
Handful of sprouts
½ onion, finely chopped
1 tsp finely-chopped coriander leaves
Handful of pomegranate arils
½ tsp chaat masala

1. Let’s start with the chutneys. Wash and soak the tamarind in warm water for a few minutes and strain the water into a pan using a sieve. Keep stirring the leftover tamarind pulp on the sieve until there’s only fibre left. Now, set this pan on to stove and let the mixture boil on high heat.

2. After, say, a boil or two, add jaggery pieces to it and let them boil together until they form a thick but flowy paste. Finally, add the sesame seeds, mix well, and let the mixture cool down. Keep the imli chutney aside.

3. For the mint chutney, add chopped mint leaves, chopped onion, coriander leaves, garlic cloves, raw mango pulp, ¼ cup curd, lemon juice, salt, and red chilli powder in a mixer grinder. Grind the ingredients until you achieve the desired consistency. Transfer the mint chutney to a container and keep it aside.

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4. For the tikki, take the peeled boiled potatoes, piece of bread (you’ll need to soak it in water for a minute or two beforehand), boiled chana daal, salt, dhaniya powder, red-chilli powder and mash them all together.

5. Divide this mixture into small balls. Flatten each ball with your hand, shape it into a tikki, and set it aside.

6. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan and sauté the tikkis until they’re crispy and brown.

7. To assemble the chaat, place the tikkis on a plate, spread the curd on them liberally, add both the chutneys, and garnish with boiled chana and sprouts, some finely-chopped onion, and pomegranate arils. Lastly, sprinkle chaat masala on top. And your healthy tikki chaat is ready.

Also read: This low-calorie butter chicken recipe will make you fall in love all over again

What makes this tikki chaat healthy?
With hardly 20 calories from the mint and imly chutney each, around a 100 calories from the tikki, and another 80 calories from the boiled chana, sprouts, and pomegranate–this savoury dish won’t cost you more than 200 calories and fulfil your cravings too.

Not to mention, the tikki isn’t deep-fried and sprouts and lentils bring fibre and protein to the mix–making this a wholesome snack.

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Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. ...Read More

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