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A gynaecologist reveals 10 rules to follow for a healthy vagina

It’s always advisable to follow what a gynaecologist says about vaginal care.
bikini body
Take good care of your lady bits by following this expert advice. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shreya Gupta Published: 6 Nov 2020, 16:37 pm IST
  • 71

You’ve probably already discovered that your vagina is one of the most sensitive but important organs. Hence, it is extremely important to take care of it but be gentle while doing so. The society we live in is such that it is taboo to talk openly about ways of maintaining vaginal health. We all tend to give in to the multiple misconceptions due to which we can make mistakes in our vaginal care routine and actually cause harm.

So, what is the solution? It’s always better to ask an expert for advice! Dr Sandeep Chadha, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Motherhood Hospital, Noida suggests 10 things every woman needs to do in order to avoid any vaginal issues:

1. Always wear cotton underwears

We cannot emphasise enough on the importance of wearing only cotton underwears. Dr Chadha says, “It’s always essential to wear cotton underwears as cotton is breathable and allows the air in. In addition to this, it also helps to absorb moisture which keeps the vaginal area free of moisture.”

2. Steer clear of intimate washes

Dr Chadha warns, “Using intimate feminine hygiene products can cause more harm than good. Regular usage of such products can disrupt the pH balance of your vagina which can lead to infections.”

vaginal wash
Maintain the pH level of your vagina.
Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Avoid overusing antibiotics

“Overuse of antibiotic can be detrimental for your vaginal health,” says Dr Chadha. When you consume antibiotics in excess, it can kill both the good and bad bacteria of your vagina, causing yeast and other infections to grow.

4. Do kegel exercises regularly

It is a type of exercise that targets your pelvic floor muscles and strengthens them. Dr Chadha says, “Do your kegel exercises regularly as it helps to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles which results in an improved bladder and bowel function.”

5. Do not ditch the protection

Getting intimate without protection might sound and feel liberating but it’s not worth all the health risks. Dr Chadha suggests, “Always wear protection during your intimate moments as it is the most effective way to protect yourself against any sexually transmitted diseases.”

oral sex
Don’t forget to use a condom even while having oral sex. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
6. Go for regular checkups

Regular checkups and screenings can help detect any complication in the early stages. So, go for regular screenings to your gynaecologist and opt for the HPV vaccination to reduce your risk of cervical cancer.

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7. Menopausal bleeding shouldn’t be ignored

“Menopausal bleeding is not normal and you shouldn’t be ignoring it. You should contact your gynaecologist as soon as you notice any such bleeding,” says Dr Chadha.

8. Wash properly

When we suggest avoiding the usage of vaginal washes, what’s the best way to wash your vagina? Dr Chadha has the answer to that! “Wash your vagina regularly with normal water after urination. Wiping it with a tissue from the front to the back is the best way to go about it,” he says.

soap for cleaning vagina
You can use a gentle soap as well! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
9. Use padded shorts

Dr Chadha suggests using padded shorts while cycling or exercising as it protects your vagina from injuries.

10. Do not ignore an itchy vagina

An itchy vagina is one of the first symptoms of vaginal infection. So, you must not ignore it. In addition, you should not ignore any pain you experience during sex.

So, ladies, keep these 10 rules in mind and you will never experience any vaginal issues!

  • 71
About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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